DevSecThe JuiceShop Setup Locally or in AzureGetting started with your website security training by setting up the OWASP JuiceShop. This is how you do it on Windows or Azure.
DevSecSpell Check for Security Coding ErrorsHave a security reviewer by your side at all time with a “security spell checker”
DevSecContent-Security-PolicyThe Content-Security-Policy allow the browser to detect and mitigate attacks including (but not limited to) cross site scripting and data injection.
DevSecReferrer-PolicyDon’t leak information about your system in the referrer section on the http request.
DevSecX-XSS-ProtectionX-XSS-Protection is a http header that helps you protect your site against xxs attacks
DevSecThe XML backdoorIf you don’t configurate you XML parser correctly you may have left a backdoor to your system open